The weather is still miserable and wet (great for the water table) and the planted tulips are starting to point their pointy leaves. Every day they are getting slightly taller and before I know it, they will be in full bloom and Spring will have sprung.
I really should start planning what plants we should dig into our prepared and almost plant free soil. Choosing plants that are resilient to drought would be sensible especially if predictions of hotter summers come true. So I'm thinking spiky plants that are full of movement such as ornamental grasses would be good. For a bigger impact, an architectural palm like a Cordyline and succulents like Aloe and Aeomium would fit in too.
Planting some vegetable seedlings this weekend is a must. Last year, the patch consisted of salad leaves and potatoes, broad beans, sprawling squash plants with no fruit and yet more salad leaves.
On this years veggie wish list are...
New potatoes; soft, buttery salad variety
Florence fennel
Broad beans; both green and red varieties
Courgettes (out the front)
Sweetpeas - anual 'must grow'
Strawberries and Tomatoes (out front in containers)
Curly Kale or Spouting Broc for the winter months (must remember to cover young palnts with net a curtain this year)
Runner bean and French beans
Carol Klein's BBC show Grow Your Own Veg has been inspiring and informative. Apparently, even a small 3m x3m plot can provide vegetables all the year round. That gives me hope and what a great incentive.