Whilst sitting in the sun on Saturday, reading the papers I came across an article about a mother and her fussy non vegetable eating son. After endless mealtime battles with her 10 year old , Mum (Charlotte) decided to start a blog. The diary documents meals containing vegetables, and because they are being blogged, he feels motivated to test and taste and he gives marks out of ten once he has tried a new dish/veg.
The family are working their way through the alphabet of fruits and vegetables, they are currently on 'C'. I believe readers and followers of the blog from all over the world are sending in recipes for them to try. It looks like it could be a good recipe resource even if you aren't trying to disguise veg.
It got me thinking about starting a blog which could help Evie, our fidgit-knickered 3 year old to sit still and eat a whole mouthful of
food with out being distracted in any way and feeling compelled to leap from her chair. I'm not quite sure how one would work, but it's got me thinking.